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DecisionHealth’s Home Health Pro is the education hub for coding and OASIS reviewers that provides real-world training that will help you both ramp-up and keep sharp on key coding and documentation topics.
On the job, a coding/OASIS review professional needs to know how to find the information they need buried in the medical record. Gaining experience with actual records is essential in onboarding, and the need for training and education doesn’t end once you’re ramped-up. To maximize accuracy and safeguard ethical reimbursement, experienced coders need to stay up-to-date on new and revised codes, changing regulations, Coding Clinic updates, and more.
You will get:
Whether you’re new to coding or the OASIS, or you need an update on the latest changes for FY2023, the Ultimate Training Series has got you covered. You can choose the agenda that suits your experience level.
You’ll get: ICD-10 coding or OASIS education led by the top home health experts in the nation. Our trainers know the PDGM payment model inside and out, so you’ll gain a thorough understanding of the interactions between coding, the OASIS, and PDGM.
Don’t miss: All Ultimate Coding & OASIS Training Virtual Series courses are pre-approved for BMSC CEUs.
Plus: All of DecisionHealth’s Ultimate Training classes are available in a convenient online format so there’s no need to travel to get top-notch training.
Are you:
Get the details on the entire Ultimate Coding & OASIS Training Virtual Series.
Note: We recommend the virtual ICD-10 Coding Basics Ultimate Training class for a basic understanding of ICD-10 coding for Home Health.