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If you're looking for the AHCC exam registration page, please click here.
Do you have questions about how to get certified or recertify? Read our FAQs for answers.
Be sure to read the Candidate Handbook as you prepare for your exam.
AHCC offers the following exams:
To learn more about which exam is right for you and to find the candidate handbook with important details about each exam, visit About BMSC Credentials.
You must take and pass an exam in order to obtain an AHCC credential. There are 2 ways to take an exam through BMSC: at a computer-based testing center OR by remote proctor.
Register for your exam online.
Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email with details about scheduling your exam with our testing partner, Prometric.
Note: Before registering for remote testing, please make certain your system is compatible with the testing application before you register. Visit https://rpcandidate.prometric.com/ to perform a system readiness check. If your system is NOT compatible with the testing application at your remote location, you will need to register or change your scheduled exam to a computer-based testing center. Fees may apply to changing and rescheduling your exam. Visit https://ahcc.decisionhealth.com/fees for more information.
Important: If you are considering remote testing, be sure your testing environment is ready. Read more here.
When taking any AHCC exam, whether at a testing center or by remote proctor, please take note of the following important information:
Note: The HCS-D exam is updated each year to cover the updated ICD-10-CM code set effective October 1.
Note: AHCC recommends a current code year, 2025, coding manual be used when taking the 2025 HCS-D exam.
In addition to the above referenced coding manual, for the HCS-D exam, you may take the FY2025 official guidelines provided here into the testing room. Please note, only the watermarked guidelines provided through this link will be allowed into the testing room as an additional resource.
Electronic code look-up systems are NOT allowed in the testing room. A hard copy coding manual is the only allowed resource.
The hard copy coding manual may have alphabetic and tabular section dividers (A through Z) that are affixed. You may have annotations written on the coding manual pages including the notes pages at the back of the manual but they must be free of any notes containing coding rules and guidelines from other reference materials (for example, AHA's Coding Clinic, Home Health ICD-10-CM Coding Answers, and similar materials).
Not Allowed:
The testing center staff or exam proctor reserves the right to deny code books that contain excessive writing and information that may give the candidate an unfair advantage.
Note: The HCS-H exam is updated each year to cover the updated ICD-10-CM code set effective October 1.
Note: AHCC recommends a current code year, 2025, coding manual be used when taking the 2025 HCS-H exam.
In addition to the above referenced coding manual, for the HCS-H exam, you may take the FY2025 official guidelines provided here into the testing room. Please note, only the watermarked guidelines provided through this link will be allowed into the testing room as an additional resource.
Electronic code look-up systems are NOT allowed in the testing room. A hard copy coding manual is the only allowed resource.
The hard copy coding manual may have alphabetic and tabular section dividers (A through Z) that are affixed. You may have annotations written on the coding manual pages including the notes pages at the back of the manual but they must be free of any notes containing coding rules and guidelines from other reference materials (for example, AHA's Coding Clinic, Home Health ICD-10-CM Coding Answers, and similar materials).
Not Allowed:
The testing center staff or exam proctor reserves the right to deny code books that contain excessive writing and information that may give the candidate an unfair advantage.
Note: The HCS-O exam is updated each year in January to cover changes in OASIS guidance from the past year.
You may take only the following manuals into the testing room:
The above materials are available for purchase as a complete binder entitled: The OASIS Form Companion. The candidate may supplement this guide with the published quarterly Q&As. Version year 2024 or 2025 is acceptable. See the DecisionHealth online store for details.
In lieu of purchasing the above resources, you may download the materials from various regulatory sites or purchase materials from any other vendor; however, the materials MUST be clearly labeled and bound in ONE binder. If the proctor at a live event or a computer based testing center cannot clearly identify the allowable resources, you will NOT be allowed to take the resources into the testing room.
Or, the candidate may bring the INSTANT OASIS Answers Book PDQ or OASIS: Access at your Fingertips. Version year 2024 or 2025 is acceptable.
What is AHCC's confidentiality policy?
AHCC has adopted policies and procedures to protect the confidentiality of exam candidates. AHCC staff members will not discuss pending applications with anyone but the candidate and will not discuss a candidate’s scores by telephone or by fax. AHCC will discuss pending applications and score results by:
AHCC will not release exam results to educational institutions or employers unless authorized by the candidate in writing.
For more information about how the exams are scored, refer to your candidate handbook.
AHCC is responsible for the validity and integrity of the scores reported. Occasionally, computer malfunctions or candidate misconduct may cause a score report to be suspect. AHCC reserves the right to void or withhold examination results if, upon investigation, violation of AHCC’s regulations is discovered. Candidates are expected to fully cooperate with any investigation.
In order to protect the integrity of the examination, AHCC cannot release a candidate’s specific answers to questions on any certification examination, nor will AHCC discuss rationale for specific correct answers to examination questions.
* Certificate and pin mailed to US addresses only. Printable certificate available in the CEU Tracker.
Candidates can retake any AHCC certification exam within 90 days of their initial or previous certification exam for $99 in the U.S. or by remote proctor, $199 at international computer-based testing centers, per attempt.
To retake your AHCC HCS-D, HCS-O, OR HCS-H exam, log in to the CEU Tracker and click on “Retake Now.” If you are unable to log into the CEU Tracker, contact customer service at 1-800-650-6787.